

Juveniles & Adults

If you’re looking for thrifty, friendly and beautiful birds who lay gorgeous mossy green eggs, this rare breed might be just what you need. See below for more information and photos of our chickens and their eggs.
We do not ship chicks. When you checkout, you can choose to pick up at the farm gate or we can deliver if you’re in the Shepherdstown, WV area.
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This our family’s favorite breed. We love their personalities and the appearance of both the birds and their eggs.
Silverudd’s Blue* chickens are stunning, friendly birds that lay gorgeous moss green eggs, often with speckles. The base color of the eggs varies from pale green to nearly olive and the speckles can be white or purplish brown. The “blue” in their name refers to the blue, black and splash feather colors of the birds. Silverudd’s lay 200-250 large eggs per year and have a smaller body size relative to their egg size.
Silverudd’s are excellent foragers who also do well in a confined area as they are thrifty, easy keepers. They are very alert to their surroundings. The roosters almost always have one eye on the sky and both sexes make a ruckus if anything threatens them. None of our hens have ever gone broody.
The two things we watch out for with Silverudd’s are frostbite in the winter on the male’s combs and foraging too far for both males and females. We have lost a number of Silverudd’s to predators since they forage far and wide and sometimes leave our perimeter fence, and end up where our guardian dogs can not protect them from predation.
We purchased our original breeding birds as day old chicks from Greenfire Farms.
*The correct name for the breed has been changed to Silverudd’s Blue instead of Isbar (pronounced “Ice-bar”), Isbar was apparently a misnomer, but you may still hear them referred to as Isbars.
Weight | .05 lbs |
Dimensions | 3 × 2 × 3 in |
Sex | Straight Run |
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Hi, we are Sarah & Peter Milcetic of Better with Thyme Farm! On our farm we focus on working with Creation and the wisdom of God’s design. Stewarding our land and animals for God's glory gives us hope and freedom for the present and eternity.
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. -John 15:4
Introducing the Holistic Homesteaders Hub! Our mission is to create a network of breeders, buyers and service providers dedicated to stewarding our animals for their optimal wellbeing, rearing our animals as close to nature as possible and incorporating natural remedies only as needed.
We love thyme. With seemingly endless varieties of this aromatic, delicious, medicinal, flowering evergreen ground cover we thought it was a perfect namesake for our farm. We especially loved creating a play on words that reflects hope, regeneration and abundance.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. -Romans 15:13
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About our Dogs: Why Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs
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Natural Rearing Resources: Resources for your dog’s health and longevity
Ron has been the absolute best blessing we could’ve asked for in a dog. He really has been such a wonderful addition to our family and we thank you so much for raising such an amazing pup in a child friendly house.
Most of the photos and videos are of us on adventures. She is a dream come true and I love every second with her.
Apollonia has surpassed any of our expectations. We love her so much and could not imagine being without her!!! We continue to feed her a raw food diet. She has had zero health issues!
Appa has been perfectly healthy since we’ve had him and I attribute that to the raw diet! We can’t thank you and your family enough for trusting us to take care of him! As well as being an inspiration for a healthier and more wholesome life.
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