AKC # WS65144308

Blossom is a was born in July of 2019. She came to us from another working farm and from parents who both have strong guardian instincts, particularly with chickens. We can see both of her parents’ looks and personality in Blossom.
Blossom is the gentlest of our dogs with humans. She sits quietly and waits for acknowledgement and then will stay and take as much love as you can give. She was also very aware of her body, even as a puppy. She was able to be petted by a toddler without getting too excited or overwhelming for the child.
One thing Blossom has inherited from her mom is that she’s always the whitest dog in the pack. One thing she inherited from her dad is that when she’s really excited she whines, like when she really, really wants to play with the cat but the cat won’t play back.
Blossom spends the majority of her time guarding our babydoll sheep but is taking a break from that job while she raises her first litter of puppies. She has turned out to be an excellent mama, very gentle and attentive to her puppies. She kept all 9 puppies warm and fed through the coldest stretch of winter weather we’ve experienced since we bought our farm. It was only 7 degrees the night they were born!
Blossom as a puppy

See more photos of Blossom on Instagram at #blossomofbetterwiththyme
Blossom’s parents
Luna (AKC #WS57935403)

Winston (AKC #WS59801903)